​​​W54 – CVD Biomarkers in SHARe (M5) Participants

This page provides study documentation for the W54 Core Study. For description of the specimen results, see Specimen Results Description (open to public). Data sets of the specimen results are included in the existing WHI datasets located on the WHI Data on this site (sign in and a completed Data Distribution Agreement are required; see details on the Data site).

Investigator Names and Contact Information

Core study approved by WHI Steering Committee


To measure glucose, insulin, fasting lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and calculated LDL), CRP and creatinine in baseline bloods from the WHI SHARe cohort. The WHI SHARe cohort includes approximately 8,515 self-identified African American women and 3,642 Hispanic women who provided consent for DNA analysis.

W54 becomes part of a set of Core Studies that provide both GWAS and Biomarker data on approximately 22,000 women: 8,815 African Americans, 3,642 Hispanics, and 10,260 selected European Americans (EA) in the Hormone Trial (HT).   Note that not all cases in M13-GARNET have corresponding biomarkers.
Study ID
Study ID
M5 - SHARe
8,515 Black + 3,641 Hispanic
W54 - SHARe CVD Biomarkers
Same as M5-SHARe
HT with CHD, stroke, VTE, diabetes, and matching controls (excludes those in SHARe; includes 1,400 from WHIMS)
W58 - EA HT Biomarkers
All GARNET controls plus random selection of GARNET cases5 (excludes all WHIMS)
W63 - WHIMS+
WHIMS (excludes 1,400 EA HT in GARNET)
All WHIMS (includes 1,400 from GARNET and 4,661 from WHIMS+)
not GARNET, not WHIMS6
not GARNET, not WHIMS6
1 - dbGaP eligible
2 - insulin, glucose, CRP, creatinine, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglyceride
3 - Approximate number of sample results
4 - Number of participants with GWAS is about 5,060; not all cases had CVD biomarkers done in W58.
5 - Not all participants with GWAS in M13-GARNET have biomarkers; instead the 'not GARNET, not WHIMS' participants were added.
6 - Random selection of HT participants by age was added to provide a more balanced cross-section of HT participants



Biomarkers were tested at the Advanced Research and Diagnostic Lab at the University of Minnesota (assay metho​dologies)

Data available on this site Here.

See publications: WHI publications by study lists published WHI papers that have been generated by ancillary studies. A complete list of WHI papers is available in the Bibliography section of this website.