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AS398 - Enhanced dietary assessment to evaluate post-trial cancer outcomes in the WHI Dietary Modification Trial

AS398 - Enhanced dietary assessment to evaluate post-trial cancer outcomes in the WHI Dietary Modification Trial

[This page is intended to provide a study summary, the sections of which are below. Please complete these sections, as applicable. The headings below are suggested headings. You can remove inapplicable sections, or add new ones relevant to your study]

Investigator Names and Contact Information

Lesley Tinker, Marian Neuhouser, Shirley A.A. Beresford, Ross Prentice


Specific Aims:

The specific aim is to code and data-enter 796 four-day food records (4DFRs) for invasive breast cancer (n=726) and invasive ovarian cancer cases (n=70) in the Dietary Modification Trial (DMT) accumulated during the post-intervention period (2005 through Sept 30, 2010).  This scenario aids in interpreting the longer term DM effects and provides a more reliable comparison of risk between the trial and post-trial periods.  As a feasibility study, combined with the WHI suite of dietary biomarker calibration studies (W8 Nutritional Biomarkers Study [NBS], AS218 and W27 Nutrition and Physical Activity Assessment Study [NPAAS] and AS272 (NPAAS competing renewal feeding study) this proposal provides data for future ancillary studies examining emerging diet and nutrient biomarkers related to trial and post-trial incidence of breast and ovarian cancers. Biospecimens of blood and 24-hour urine collections are being stored from NPAAS and are available for ancillary study proposals of additional biomarkers.