The tables below provide tabulations of WHI outcomes by study component and demographic characteristics. See Outcomes, Adjudicated and Self-Reported for the data dictionary for outcomes. See Table 8.9-History of WHI Outcomes/Adjudication in the Ext 2 Manual of Operations for a summary of the outcomes adjudicated in WHI 1993-2005 and Extension Studies 2005-2020.
Verified Outcomes in the MRC Super Cohort: Overall and by Age at Enrollment (Table 3.1) - updated 3/1/2019
Verified Outcomes in the MRC Super Cohort by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.2) - updated 3/1/2019
Self-Reported Outcomes in the MRC Super Cohort: Overall, by Age at Enrollment, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.1) - updated 3/1/2019
Verified Outcomes in the SRC Super Cohort: Overall and by Age at Enrollment (Table 3.4) - updated 3/1/2019
Verified Outcomes in the SRC Super Cohort by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.5) - updated 3/1/2019
Self-Reported Outcomes in the SRC Super Cohort: Overall, by Age at Enrollment, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.2) - updated 3/1/2019
Verified Outcomes in the CT: Overall and by Age (Table 3.7), and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.8) - updated 2/28/2017
Self-reported Outcomes in the CT: Overall, by Age, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.3) - updated 2/28/2017
Verified Outcomes in the OS: Overall and by Age (Table 3.9), and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.10) - updated 2/28/2017
Self-reported Outcomes in OS: Overall, by Age, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.4) - updated 2/28/2017
Verified Outcomes in the HT: Overall and by Age (Table 2.2), and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 2.3) - updated 9/30/15
Self-reported Outcomes in the HT: Overall, by Age, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 2.4) - updated 9/30/15
Verified Outcomes in the DM Trial: Overall and by Age (Table 3.2), and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.3) - updated 9/30/15
Self-reported Outcomes in the DM Trial: Overall, by Age, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 3.4) - updated 9/30/15
Verified Outcomes in the CaD Trial: Overall and by Age (Table 4.2), and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.3) - updated 9/30/15
Self-reported Outcomes in the CaD: Overall, by Age, and by Race/Ethnicity (Table 4.4) - updated 9/30/15